The Surface 2 is among the world's tablets which are business-ready, allowing you to work the way you want. Many consumers adopt Surface 2 as a companion device, a business tablet in hospitality industries, commercial airlines, retail and healthcare.

The Surface combines great battery life and portability with productivity features like the kickstand, USB 3.0 and its ability to attach a Type or Touch Cover for typing. The computer tablet is business-ready with its specific capabilities which allow business users to access corporate resources and be indeed productive while still keeping security.

The updates made by Windows RT 8.1 release amplified Surface 2's value for small business and enterprises. There are several Windows RT 8.1 features that make Surface 2 more small business and enterprise ready, the top three of which are the following:

Remote Application

With Remote Desktop Services in Windows Server 2008 R2 and later, customers can access any line of business that they do on their computer desktop or laptop from Surface 2. Some firms are making Surface 2 the core device for the mobile workforce.

Data Access

Windows RT 8.1 can support customer folders of those working with Windows Server 2012 R2. Work folders enable users to access the files saved on a managed server. This gives IT and management more control of data without worrying about worker productivity.

Improved Manageability

The Mobile Device Management (MDM) of Windows RT 8.1 enables management of devices by any product that is cloud-based and where open device management protocol is allowed. MDM is enabled on Surface 2 via providers like AirWatch, Citrix, MobileIron and Windows Intune.

Surface 2 is more than just for fun. Its management features make it easy for the IT department while workers can access documents wherever they are. Surface 2 allows people to work comfortably and conveniently with light keyboard covers.

If laptops and tablets are great tools for business productivity, Surface 2 is simply a combination of both. Run the recent Office version, Outlook and other business apps either in the office, at home or on the road, Surface effortlessly fits into the workflow. It comes with AT&T 4G LTE ready.