What will make the Google Nexus 6 a sure-fire hit on its rumoured Q3 2014 release date? The key would be killer handset features that will take eyes off the iPhone 6 and other 2014 flagships.

Since its intro, the Nexus smartphone brand has gained considerable popularity but its commercial success leaves more rooms for improvements. Google is yet to match the achievements charted by devices that came out from the Apple and Samsung production lines.

This 2014, the Nexus maker is again whispered to issue a replacement for the Nexus 5 and that kit will need to deal with the monsters like the GS5 and the Galaxy Note 4 plus the iPhone 6 that excites analysts as another certified cash-cow for Apple.

In what could prove as the final Nexus smartphone thrust, how the Nexus 6 would finally make the Google cash register ring loud and almost non-stop following its debut time?

The answer possibly lies in the likely device features provided below:

Extended battery life

Tech experts have been consistently arguing that a smartphone is mostly defined by the services it dispenses. Sure it can pack incredible features and the latest components insides but all of these will be useless minus a power source that will keep it running for as long as possible in a single energy juice charge up.

The Nexus 6 has a better chance of winning over loyal Apple and Samsung fans if it can deliver a device that will remain alive for the better part of the day. The technology is already available for Google to fashion out a do-all smartphone that taps into a power-efficient CPU that is energised by a massive battery with the highest rating possible.

Killer camera

Dating back from the Nexus 5 or even earlier, the weakest link among the vanilla Android features is its camera hardware and software. The Nexus smartphone shooter almost always drew flak from reviewers.

Android watchers could only hope that Google would take the page from Apple's iPhone. The iOS device has veered away from the crazy megapixel race being waged by the likes of Samsung and HTC yet the iPhone camera always manages to impress - both novice and expert shooters.

It is hoped that in the Nexus 6, Google will finally unleash the insanely great camera features it has promised not so long ago.

Enhanced audio features

The first HTC One and the HTC One M8 impress with its superb audio offerings that remain consistent regardless if the devices are paired/plugged with a listening accessory or just plain using its on-board stereo front speakers.

Not to be outdone, the iPhone music package could soon include the Beats Audio expertise of Dr Dre that could catapult Apple's iTunes mobile audio entertainment services into total dominance.

The Google Play Music is already a kick-starter and what's left to be done is for the Nexus 6 audio hardware to match capabilities of its iOS and Android foes.

Higher storage capacity

Smartphones are mainly designed for communication but its entertainment value has become the gadget's secondary, or for some, primary utility. Nowadays, mobile phone users spend a fairly amount of time playing games on the device or watch movies and listen to music.

While contents are available for online streaming, many would prefer moving around with their personal digital files - docs, eBooks, songs and movies - so they can kill time even in the absence of cellular or Wi-Fi signal.

Along that line, 8GB or 16GB on basic smartphone model is no longer practical or simply insufficient. For sure, 32GB and 64GB configurations would be welcome upgrades that would-be Nexus 6 buyers are quick to embrace.

Or at least, Google should allow for the extra memory provision.


The majors such Apple and Samsung are now on biometric and the intent is to bolster security and enhance the overall mobile computing experience. The iPhone Touch ID and the Galaxy S5 fingerprint sensor are far from being perfect.

So it exciting how Google intends to provide the missing link and perfect the biometric security features should the company decides to join the bandwagon in time for the Nexus 6 release date.