After waiting for over 4,000 years, the tale of one of Britain's ancient warriors finally comes to light. In 1989, within a small hamlet in Chichester, James Kenny happened to find the bones of an entity, now known as the Racton Man. Kenny, who is now an archaeologist for the Chichester district council could perhaps only fathom the implications of such a unique find.

Racton Man is one of the few, rare dagger burials that can be found in Europe. The bronze dagger buried with him, revealed upon examination, the supposed stature of the warrior it was buried with. Archaeologists at the British Museum as well as other experts have proposed that Racton Man was probably a tribal leader. To have been buried with a bejeweled dagger of such unique beauty indicates that the Racton Man is probably not to be lumped in with the hoi-polloi of archaeological finds.

The Racton Man is observed to have sustained injuries that indicate he may not have been just a figurehead leader, but instead a warrior who survived violent battles. Moreover, he is recorded to be six foot tall in stature, and further analysis of his bones revealed that he may have lived till the ripe age of 40. All of this indicates that Racton Man was probably a very good and well respected warrior and tribal leader.

An analysis of Racton Man's teeth revealed that he may have originated from the south of Britain and not from Sussex where he was buried and eventually found. The copper in the dagger is also thought to have been imported, as metal of that kind was not likely to have been found in Britain that era; the workmanship and design, however, is believed to be British.

Stuart Needham, an expert on bronze age metalwork, said, "Dagger burials of any kind are rare, and these daggers are hens' teeth rare, it was a very short lived fashion, certainly no more than a few generations. To find one with skeleton, giving it a secure and such an early date, makes it a find of national and indeed European importance." Racton Man and his dagger are now on display at the Novium Museum in Chichester.