Steven P. Jobs, the iconic Apple founder and the main creative force behind the company has passed away. The technological world has lost a great man who brought computers to the mainstream.

Passionate, inspiring, controlling, marketing genius and an innovator. These are the many things that can describe Steve Jobs. He has built Apple from his garage, saved it from the brink of bankruptcy and made it into the second largest technology company in the world.

Steve Jobs took personal computing from the domain of business and the geeks into the hands of the public and made it magical. He has challenged the computing world by making every Apple product easy to use and more beautiful. He has turned a beige ugly box into an elegant machine that everyone wants. By the time anyone realized it, Steve Jobs has been leading them all to his way of thinking, his design. In his leadership, the world was ushered into mobile computing like the way he ushered in the era of personal computing and the world was richer for it.

Before the successes of the iPad, iMac, iPhone and iPod, Steve Jobs made computer history by introducing the Graphical User Interface and bringing the mouse. It is ironic that he might have also cause the demise of the mouse with the touchscreen interface championed by the mobile computing era he brought.

His involvement on every aspect of Apple products from aesthetic design, hardware, software and marketing has made the Apple brands iPhone, iPod and iPad the gold standard for every smartphone, tablet and media device everywhere. He might be aggressive and demanding on his employees, but his brilliance in product design currently has no equal and most likely we would be looking for the next Steve Jobs for a long time.

Under Jobs, Apple has flourished. This was tested when he was ousted by the same management team he created. The company floundered close to bankruptcy until Steve Jobs returned bringing with him the second golden age of Apple. Outside Apple, Steve has also excelled with Pixar Animations and with it led to him becoming the largest share holder of Disney.

"Every once in a while a revolutionary product comes along that changes everything," Steve Jobs said. Well, every once in a while a revolutionary comes along that changes everything. Here is to Steve Jobs. We won't find another technological genius that comes in a black turtleneck and jeans and has changed the world for a great long while.