LED bulbs are a better alternative to incandescent light bulbs according to Guter Rat-Langzeittest, a German consumer products quality testing organisation.

The bulbs which underwent a series of testing resulted to the conclusion that it is better to switch to LED bulbs instead of retaining incandescent bulbs in one's home.

LED bulbs have a lifespan of 60,000 ON-OFF switching operations or 5,500 operating hours, according to BILD while incandescent bulbs only reached a lifespan of 1,200 operating hours.

Brightness in Full Capacity After First Second

Unlike incandescent bulbs, when LED bulbs are switched on, they will already emit light in their full capacity instead of warming up. According to Guter Rat, LED bulbs emit more light and are not "blinding."

No Quicksilver

The study found that LED bulbs and other LED products do not contain quicksilver also known as mercury. The silvery white metal is usually used as a conductor of electricity and is found in fluorescent lamps.


LED bulbs were expensive when it first entered the market but experts say the price of these bulbs will be more affordable in years to come.

Energy Efficiency

Having an LED bulb with 65 to 80 Lumen per Watt, according to BILD, is seven times brighter than an ordinary 60-watt incandescent bulb.

Should You Make the Switch?

In 2011, the average cost of electricity in Australia per kilowatt hour is AU$0.30 according to the IEA. While this is relatively cheaper compared to AU$41/kWh in Denmark, this is still rather expensive, sources say.

But just how much energy do energy efficient light bulbs save? Incandescent light bulbs use up to 98 per cent of energy producing heat and not light, according to experts.

LED bulbs on the other hand have better efficiency and last longer. For 12-watt lamps with LED bulbs that are turned on six hours on a daily basis would mean you would consume 26.3 kWh a year. At AU$0.30 per kWh, your household would pay AU$7.89 for that particular lamp on a yearly basis. With the lifespan of LED bulbs, it would mean enjoying savings for 10 to 12 years.