Star Wars Battlefront
IN PHOTO: The Empire wages war on The Rebels in “Star Wars Battlefront” Electronic Arts -

When a new property, be it a book, comic book, video game or TV show based on a beloved property like “Star Wars” is introduced, one of the first things fans want to know, is whether the events portrayed are canon. Naturally, once the first footage of “Star Wars Battlefront” passed the sniff test with high marks, the conversation has switched to debate about whether the events, weapons and characters depicted are actually part of the official “Star Wars” universe. The developer has finally responded, but the reply may leave fans unsatisfied.

Speaking to IGN, DICE General Manager, Patrick Bach gave a somewhat non-committal answer to the question of the game’s canonical status, or lack thereof. While Bach didn’t come out and state categorically that the game wasn’t canon, he danced around the subject, explaining that because canon was typically tied to story, which “Star Wars Battlefront” doesn’t have, it made things tricker.

“It's complicated, canon is connected often to story, is every battle you play out canon, or is this specific item canon? I can’t give you a clear answer on canon, “ he said.

As IGN explains, many of the battles gamers will wage in “Star Wars Battlefront” are plucked from iconic moments occur during the original trilogy of films, which are of course, canon. However, because battles are dynamic, and not scripted and story driven, the Rebel force might, for instance, be unable to disable the Death Star’s shield generator on Endor, causing a deviation from official canon.

There’s also the fact that “Battlefront” allows gamers to play as iconic heroes from the “Star Wars” universe. During the latest gameplay reveal trailer, Darth Vader is briefly glimpsed on the forest moon, and while the place and characters are all canon, Vader himself was never on Endor during the battle to disable the generator.

Bach noted that you have to draw the line at some point, and that what matters is that DICE are treating the property with the utmost respect. He stated that the team has been working very closely with Lucasfilm to make sure the “Star Wars” DNA runs throughout through every aspect of “Battlefront.” The game's official E3 2014 trailer went to great pains to ensure gamers knew that DICE had gone as far as visiting the Lucasfilm archives, taking scans of props and getting access to original sound effects. “Star Wars Battlefront” is due out on Nov. 2015, on PS4, PC and Xbox One.

(Credit: YouTube/Official EA UK)

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