"Star Trek" and "Heroes" actor Zachary Quinto has ended speculation about his sexual orientation by confirming he is gay.

In an interview for New York magazine, he simply and casually mentioned that he is gay. In the interview, he discussed his recent work in Broadway, which is the revival of "Angels in America," Tony Kushner's epic about the AIDS epidemic.

He said, "[A]s a gay man, it made me feel like I-there's still so much work to be done. There's still so many things that need to be looked at and addressed. The undercurrent of that fear and that, you know, insidiousness still is swarming. It's still all around us."

Quinto also talked about the upcoming election year in the United States. He discussed his opinions on the rise of the Tea Party and the Occupy Wall Street movement. He noted that months after New York legalized gay marriage another gay teenager, Jamey Rodemeyer, killed himself because he as being bullied.

"And, you know, again, as a gay man, I look at that and say there's a hopelessness that surrounds it. But as a human being, I look at it and say, "Why? Where is this disparity coming from and why can't we as a culture, as a society, dig deeper to examine it?," he added.

Quinto had earlier posted a message mourning Rodemeyer's suicide. Ironically, the boy had made an "It Gets Better" video, meant to encourage and comfort gay youth, months before he took his own life.

"I also made an 'It Gets Better' video last year in the wake of the senseless and tragic gay teen suicides that were sweeping the nation at the time. But in light of Jamey's death, it became clear to me in an instant that living a gay life without publicly acknowledging it is simply not enough to make any significant contribution to the immense work that lies ahead on the road to complete equality," Quinto said.

Watch the "It Gets Better" videos of Jamey Rodemeyer and Zachary Quinto below from The Trevor Project, which helps struggling teens.

Quinto gained fame for his role in the recent "Star Trek" film playing Spock. He also bagged a role in the hit TV series "Heroes". He also is the star and producer of the new financial thriller "Margin Call" and will also appear in Ryan Murphy's new FX series, the "American Horror Story".