Presentation of 'The Sims 4' is Given at the Electronic Arts World Premiere: E3 2014 Preview Press Conference at the Shrine Auditorium
A presentation of "The Sims 4" is given at the Electronic Arts (EA) World Premiere: E3 2014 Preview press conference at the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles, California, June 9, 2014. The event takes place on the eve of the annual three-day Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) video game conference. REUTERS/David McNew

Whenever the Grim Reaper appears, Sims expect that someone nearby will die. But a player uploaded via YouTube to make death himself mortal and killable with the right set of commands and situations.

Grim Reaper Can Die

YouTube user PrettyGrumpyBearGame posted a video which exposes the vulnerability aspect of Grim Reaper and enables players to kill the NPC. Under normal scenarios, Grim Reaper is not susceptible to death and immortal throughout any "The Sims" games. According to the user's video, here are the steps a player must do to kill or control the Grim Reaper:

Warning: We are not responsible for any issue which may occur by altering a major gameplay feature. Make sure to create a backup of the current save before altering the Grim Reaper. Do this at your own risk.

1. Launch the cheat console of "The Sims 4."

2. Enter the "testingcheats true" command on the cheat console excluding the quotation marks.

3. Now press and hold the shift key then click on the Grim Reaper.

4. Select "add to family." This will make the Grim Reaper a part of the player-controlled household.

5. Assign three random traits by using "traits.equip_trait [traitnameNoSpaces]" command on the cheat console.

6. Save the game then go to Manage World.

7. Click on the family with the Grim Reaper as a member.

8. Assign a name for the Grim Reaper. Do not change anything else except for the name.

9. Save the Grim Reaper to the library.

10. Start a new save using the saved Grim Reaper.

11. Choose a legit possibility to kill the Grim Reaper by using the new save.

Effects On The Gameplay

Grim Reaper is a non-playable character and changing this default setting can cause major effects throughout the entire neighbourhood. According to PrettyGrumpyBearGame, altering the status of the Grim Reaper will affect gaming experience such as:

- Once added to the household, no Grim Reaper will take souls of other Sims upon death.

- Saving and access to build mode will be prohibited once added to the household.

Always make a backup of save files on "The Sims 4" before altering major world activities such as killing the Grim Reaper. This is just for fun to enable players to control and play as a Grim Reaper -- it is not meant for long-term gameplay. Click here for the visual demonstration on how to alter the Grim Reaper.