A Presentation Of 'The Sims 4' Is Given At The Electronic Arts (EA) World Premiere: E3 2014 Preview Press Conference At The Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles.
A presentation of 'The Sims 4' at the Electronic Arts (EA) World Premiere: E3 2014 Preview press conference at the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles, California, June 9, 2014. Reuters/David McNew

Imperfect Perfection Skin, Audio/Music Ultra-Speed Fix and Easy Invite Ghost to Household mods have been available for "The Sims 4." Know how it can help Sims' skin to become more realistic, fix the issue on audio when toggling ultra-speed and invite ghost Sims easier to the household.

Imperfect Perfection Skin Mod

Imperfect Perfection Skin mod has been uploaded by Vampire_aninyosaloh which adds realism to the game by adding new skins containing certain imperfections on Sims. It acts as an overlay found in the skin details section with two custom swatches for male and female version bearing custom thumbnails for each. Users should know that the mod is non-default and currently works for male and female Sims from teens to elders. Click here to view the sample images and the download link.

Audio/Music Ultra-Speed Fix

Shimrod101 posted the Audio/Music Ultra-Speed Fix mod for "The Sims 4" that fixes the issue on the in-game stereo music and Sims' voices whenever the speed has been toggled to Fast or Ultra. As an effect, all audios inside the game will have normal speed regardless of toggling the game speed to Fast or Ultra. Click here to view the list of XML files used by the mod and its download link.

Easy Invite Ghost To Household

Easy Invite Ghost to Household mod was posted by ReubenHood that makes ghost Sims easier to be invited to move-in to the player-controlled household. Choose only one among these packages provided by the mod:

1. InviteGhost_Rel35.package to set required relationship score of 35 to ask a ghost Sim to move in with the current household.

2. InviteGhost_RelNeutral.package to set required relationship score of zero which also is a neutral score. Any ghost Sim can be invited provided that the player-controlled Sim makes an introduction and does not have a negative relationship score to that ghost.

3. InviteGhost_Rel-100.package to set required relationship score to -100 which is the lowest possible score. Using this package will enable the player-controlled Sim to invite any ghost Sim no matter how bad their relationship is.

Using this mod will change the S4_E882D22F_00000000_ 000000000001912E XML resource which will conflict to any other mods that changes the same resource file. Click here to view the screenshots and the download link.