Players interested to alter emotions, regular bills payment and cheat interactions can download the Buff Emotions Changes, Very Low Bills and Enable Advanced Debug/Cheat Interactions mods.

Buff Emotions Changes

Sims gets moodlets related to emotions whenever the needs go too low or too high. A mod uploaded by Zerbu called Buff Emotions Changes alters the emotions that certain bugs will give on a Sim. It alters the "uncomfortable" and "tense" emotions to more interesting types.

- Low Hunger and low Energy give the Sim a Dazed moodlet.

- Low Hygiene gives the Sim an Embarassed moodlet.

- Low Fun gives the Sim a Bored moodlet.

- Sickness buffs give the Sim a Dazed moodlet.

- Low Social makes the Sim sadder than before.

- Stale Surroundings and Need Video Games buffs give the Sim a Sad moodlet.

According to the mod uploader, a conflict can arise since the custom content overrides both Data and XML files for all buffs it modifies. Any mod editing the same files can cause unforeseen consequences. Bladder is the only need not affected by this mod.

Very Low Bills

Sims must pay bills weekly or suffer from in-game consequences for not paying. However, bills can be expensive in the game which led to the creation of a mod called Very Low Bills. It fixes the bill amount to a constant 100 simoleons regardless of any factor which can increase weekly bill.

Mgomez described that the mod modifies the "" value to 100 whenever the "get_bill_amount" is called off by the game. Players will only need to pay 100 simoleons for every bill delivered to controlled Sims. However, this mod conflict with other mods editing the same files related to weekly bills paid by Sims.

Enable Advanced Debug/Cheat Interactions

Clown uploaded a mod which patches a function in the Maxis game code that enables use of additional debugging or cheats interactions for "The Sims 4." It allows use of cheats or debugging commands at will without activating the "testingcheats" code on the console.

The mod does not guarantee if it will keep on working after updates have been installed on the machine for the game. The developer is also not promising anything regarding fixes in case the mod stops working due to new patches from EA and Maxis. Click here to download and view the instructions on how to use it.