A Presentation Of 'The Sims 4' Is Given At The Electronic Arts (EA) World Premiere: E3 2014 Preview Press Conference At The Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles.
A presentation of 'The Sims 4' at the Electronic Arts (EA) World Premiere: E3 2014 Preview press conference at the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles, California, June 9, 2014. Reuters/David McNew

Get haunted or haunt another household using ghost Sims on the new update from EA for "The Sims 4." Find out how to get a ghost join the household, how to make them useful and how to remove them in case ghosts start bothering the household.

Ghosts On 'The Sims 4'

Ghosts are returning on the fourth instalment of the popular life simulation game "The Sims 4" with new in-game mechanics and behaviour. It is apparently confirmed via an official Twitter account with a trailer available on YouTube and a wallpaper of Star Wars "The Sims 4" version.

One of the images uploaded via Twitter showed a female Sim hugging the ghost of Jedi Master Yoda - Sim version - several hours ago. After that, another tweet with the "May The Sims 4 Be With You" wallpaper of Star Wars featuring the Sims version of Princess Lea Organa and Darth Vader. There are three images which can be downloaded via SimsNetwork with HD resolution and Windows 8 compatibility.

In-Game Mechanics Of Ghost Sims

This Halloween, ghost Sims will arrive on "The Sims 4" to haunt the neighbourhood. Here is the guide on how each ghost works, the behaviour and how to get of these supernatural beings detailed by EA:

1. Whenever a Sim dies, non-playable character ghosts will attach to any tombstone or urn around the Sim's home or yard. Ghosts can build relationships with any Sim and possible to be invited to join the household to become playable characters. Any playable ghosts can get a job, get married or contribute to the family as if a living Sim.

2. However, ghost Sims are slightly different from living Sims due to special ghostly abilities and behaviours.

3. Ghost Sims are moody and it all depends on what each one feels or the cause of death. Death from laughter will always make the ghost positive with a moodlet causing nearby Sims to become playful. Death from anger can cause a different effect and attitude around other Sims. Death from electrocution makes the ghost capable of breaking objects through possession. Cowplant death sentence can make ghosts interested in gardening for eternity which are useful for growing the household's garden - beware of bad mood that can lead to several dead plants.

4. Ghosts radiate emotion to nearby Sims that can be positive to energise or negative to wear our morale.

5. In case the player goes weary of keeping ghosts in the household, banishment will be the solution. An interaction is available on the respective urn or tombstone to banish away the ghost back to the netherworld, which is also used to call them back anytime.

6. Ghosts can be brought back from the dead by using three ingredients - Ambrosia, a Death Flower and the Potion of Youth. It means the player will need a character with high gardening and cooking skill to resurrect a ghost.