A Presentation Of 'The Sims 4' Is Given At The Electronic Arts (EA) World Premiere: E3 2014 Preview Press Conference At The Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles.
A presentation of 'The Sims 4' at the Electronic Arts (EA) World Premiere: E3 2014 Preview press conference at the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles, California, June 9, 2014. Reuters/David McNew

Aspirations in "The Sims 4" range from physical to mental desires and offer interesting rewards to any Sim character capable of achieving it. Based on Carl's Guide for the game, here are the known aspirations and other important details:

Aspirations In 'The Sims 4'

Athletic Aspiration: Choosing this aspiration gives the 'High Metabolism' bonus trait which helps the Sim to stay in shape and get muscular quickly than other Sims.

- Bodybuilder: Lets the Sim to live longer than other Sims provided that there are no accidental deaths.

Creativity Aspirations: Choosing this aspiration gives 'Muser' bonus trait which improves skill gains of the Sim while 'Inspired.'

- Bestselling Author: Enables the ability to write 'Book of Life' of a living Sim which can be used later for resurrection.

- Musical Genius: Gives new songs for the Sim which have significant effects on other Sims.

- Painter Extraordinaire: Allows bearing of Emotions on paintings and writing books with the Writing skill regardless of the Sim's current emotional state.

Deviance Aspirations: 'Dastardly' bonus trait gives the Sim a higher success rate with mean interactions on other Sims.

- Chief of Mischief: Sims are able to sabotage almost every object in the game to pull pranks or create chaos.

- Public Enemy: Inspire negative emotions to other Sims via social interactions.

Family Aspirations: The Sim gets the 'Domestic' bonus trait which hastens development of relationship with family members.

- Big Happy Family: 'Patriarch' reward trait gives boost to skill gain on nearby children.

- Successful Lineage: A Sim receives skill gains from skill gain successes of respective offspring.

Food Aspirations: Increases the quality level of all meals and drinks prepared by the Sim via 'Essence of Flavour' bonus trait.

- Master Chef: Prepare meals and drinks with higher quality which never spoils.

- Master Mixologist: Mixed drinks can affect emotions of other Sims.

Fortune Aspirations: Get higher than average salaries from careers with 'Business Savvy' bonus trait.

- Fabulously Wealthy: Get 5 per cent of household funds added to the bank roll every week which earn interest.

- Mansion Baron: Get 10 per cent rebate from all purchases on the build mode every week.

Knowledge Aspirations: The 'Quick Learner' bonus trait speeds up experience gain on all skills.

- Computer Whiz: Earn money, learn traits of other Sims and raise multiple skills at once by simply using the computer.

- Nerd Brain: Fix and upgrade objects instantly without going through the Handiness skill levels.

- Renaissance Sim: Write any book regarding any skill the Sim is knowledgeable of.

Love Aspirations: Increased success rate on Romantic Social Interactions.

- Serial Romantic: Avoid other Sims on getting jealous which allow several relationships at once without suffering issues.

- Soulmate: Special interactions are available to calm situations between the Sim and the spouse.

Nature Aspirations: Find more rare collectibles with the 'Collector' bonus trait.

- Angling Ace: Fishing activity will ease out any negative emotions.

- Freelance Botanist: Immune to fire and can extinguish fire without getting burned.

- The Curator: Sell collectibles to the Simsonian Museum for extra money.

Popularity Aspirations: Build friendly relationships quicker than other Sims with 'Gregarious' bonus trait.

- Friend of the World: Declining of relationships with other Sims will stop.

- Joke Star: Jokes will never fail with extra interactions available on the same category.

- Party Animal: Increase score of any Social Event thrown by the Sims to ease up Gold Ratings.

Aspirations For Children

Children's Aspirations feature no bonus traits but helps upon reaching Teen and Adult life stages if accomplished. Four aspirations affect creativity, physical, social and mental skill level gains.

1. Artistic Prodigy - Build Creative skills faster upon reaching adulthood.

2. Rambunctious Scamp - Learn Physical skills quicker upon reaching adulthood.

3. Social Butterfly - Gain speed on learning Social skills upon reaching adulthood.

4. Whiz Kid - Mental skills build faster upon reaching adulthood.