The recent news featuring the star of the top-grossing "Transformers" movie has been much talked about as it showcased several odd behaviors of the star. Many people were shocked with the latest strewn of eccentric behaviors, however, it did not seem to prevent Will Smith's son Jayden into befriending the 27-year-old actor.

One of the recent sightings of Shia was when he opened his art exhibit entitled "#IAMSORRY" at the Cohen Gallery on Beverly Boulevard. The bizarre art exhibit featured unusual objects but those who have fallen in line were able to see the star in person. The exhibit is open Tuesday to Sunday from 11 in the morning until 6 in the evening.

One the persons who tried to see the exhibit and catch a glimpse of the "Nymphomaniac" star was Jayden. "I'm here if you need a fellow insane person to talk to. But I'm seriously here not like one of those I'm here for you's that everybody says," was a tweet from Jayden's official twitter account to Shia. This seems like a nice and sincere gesture to make friends with the "Transformers" actor.

Apparently the young "After Earth" star has waited in line on Beverly Boulevard just to see Shia but was not able to. He said that he has a very important message that he needs to tell the troubled actor was said to be a message that only artists could understand but he failed to give the said message because he has not even caught a glimpse of the "Nymphomaniac" star.

Shia is the only person the "After Earth" star is following on Twitter, while Shia is following only two people and none of them is Jayden. He has yet to respond to the friendly hand extended by Jayden and fans are trying to see how he would react.

In all of the controversies faced by Shia, Jayden is not the only one who is there for him though. His girlfriend Mia Goth is still by his side and looks like the two are still going strong and pretty sweet in their recent pictures while shopping for groceries.