Constantly competing for new sustainable and environment-friendly fuels, the Shell Group focused all efforts on a prominent goal of attaining corporate efficiency by means of sustaining the environment at no matter the costs?

Passion for innovation, striving for perfection, and the foresight for the future had been the key factors that sustained the business of Royal Dutch Shell Group of Companies Plc all these years.

For more than a century, the Shell Group of Companies have maintained that sustainability of the business means not only working with the people and governments concerned.

Now, the Shell Group knew that the key to sustainability is working with the environment and nature and not against it.

Concerned with the global population doubling to 9 billion by the year 2050, Royal Dutch Shell Group of Companies has embarked on a sustainability project harnessing the power and innovation of nature for the future.

Shell Group CEO Peter Voser emphasizes in a speech before company stockholders that "there is much work to do to meet the challenges of building a sustainable energy future."

Part of the brilliant initiatives of the Shell Group for environment sustainability is its constant search for efficient fuels that can provide savings for consumers and at the same time hinder unsafe fuel emissions.

The company has recently partnered with technical experts of top car companies and motoring teams to maximize each drop of the precious fuel produced.

It has also urged students to take part in its so-called Shell Eco-marathon, where where students compete to design the most fuel-efficient car.