Despite having millions of fans around the world, Selena Gomez still feels like the awkward kid. In one of her concerts, the "Come & Get It" singer gets a bit emotional where she talks about being criticized over not being the cool and sexy singer. Yet, this doesn't seem to affect the former Disney star.

During her "Stars Dance" tour, Selena Gomez had shared a message for her fans.

"I get it all day, every day: 'I'm not sexy enough, or I'm not cool enough, or if I did this I would be accepted,'" stated Gomez, adding, "Look at this room! I don't have to do any of that to have love!"

Unlike other Disney stars that caved in to pressure of molly, weed and nudity, Gomez chose to be true to herself instead which would hopefully inspire her audience as well.

"Let me tell you one thing: The sexiest thing... is class," stated Gomez before launching into her song number.

Obviously, this was a shade thrown at another Disney star that since left her show has been showing off almost every inch of her skin. Well, Gomez couldn't care any less for her let alone criticize her for such stunts.

"Hey, I don't judge people. But to each their own," stated Gomez.

As for being one sexy and classy lady, Selena Gomez doesn't have to impress anyone else given she's already becoming one heck of a fashionable music mogul. Early this month, reports claim Selena Gomez would be the next face of Versace after she was caught getting chummy with Donatella Versace.

Aside from Versace, Selena is also rumoured to replace Miley Cyrus on the cover of Vogue magazine after she was photographed with Anna Wintour, the Editor-in-Chief of Vogue. Given Selena's designs for NEO Adidas, it's apparent the singer has fashion sense and taste up her sleeve.

Check out the slideshow to see more of the classy and sexy Selena Gomez.