This child star has made it to the big screen after starting at Disney. Along with his co-Disney stars and friends-Justin Timberlake and Britney Spears, he has taken on the acting scene. Like most of them, Gosling began his career in the Mickey Mouse Club that was part of Disney.

Ryan Gosling found himself acting at a very young age. The actor has been noted for many movies during his teenage years such as Remember the Titans; he also starred in Murder by Numbers with Michael Pitt and Sandra Bullock and was given recognition by Entertainment Weekly that said:

"A phenomenal talent even in junk like this"

Ryan Gosling had starred in many movies before that all that did not gain the recognition it should have gained.

Gosling however did find movies that finally gave him recognition and has made him known all over the world; in movies such as "The Notebook". The Canadian actor was spot on when he was paired with co-Canadian actress Rachel McAdams. The two were perfect for the role and the movie became a hit right away.

Gosling dated McAdams for years and the two were likely to get married but they decided to call it quits after a few years. They still remain good friends to one another and are often in contact with each other.

It's time to check out the Ryan Gosling photos throughout the years and see your favorite hunky actor in his changes from a child star to a Hollywood actor.