People take photos of a screen showing arrival details of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 (C) at Kuala Lumpur International Airport in Sepang July 18, 2014. The Malaysian Boeing 777 airliner was brought down over eastern Ukraine on Thursday, killing all 295
People take photos of a screen showing arrival details of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 (C) at Kuala Lumpur International Airport in Sepang July 18, 2014. The Malaysian Boeing 777 airliner was brought down over eastern Ukraine on Thursday, killing all 295 people aboard and sharply raising stakes in a conflict between Kiev and pro-Moscow rebels in which Russia and the West back opposing sides. REUTERS/Samsul Said (MALAYSIA - Tags: TRANSPORT DISASTER CIVIL UNREST POLITICS) Reuters

Close on the heels of the Dutch report on the cause of the MH17 tragedy that confirmed high energy objects having hit the plane mid air, Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu has blamed Ukraine for downing the Malaysian airliner in eastern Ukraine, reported Reuters.

The minister said the catastrophe happened in the air space of Ukraine and it must bear the full responsibility for what happened.

Malaysian Media Said This

A similar charge had already appeared in the Malaysian media. An article published in New Straits Times, the English newspaper in Malaysia accused the Ukrainian regime in Kiev as responsible for shooting down the Malaysia Airlines flight MH 17, in July, reported

It said, given the tight control exercised by the Government on Malaysian media, the charge is believed to have the backing of the Malaysian state also. But that report was drowned in the plethora of reports that came out showing Russia backed rebels as the culprits. The US and European media also ignored the Malaysian media report..

Missile and Machine Gun

Alex Landier of quotes the article in The New Straits Times with the caption "US analysts conclude MH17 downed by aircraft" asserted its assumptions that that the Malaysian jet was attacked by a Ukrainian fighter aircraft with a missile, followed by machine gun firing.

That article also referred to the radar and satellite data from Russia showing that a Ukrainian Sukhoi-25 fighter jet had tailed MH17 before it crashed. But Kiev had denied it.The New Straits Times article gives references about the Intelligence analysts from the United States, who came to the conclusion that the Malaysia flight was shot down by an air-to-air missile and the Ukrainian government had something to do with it.

The article said that conclusion corroborated well with the emerging theory by local investigators that the Boeing was hit by an air-to-air missile and it was finished off with cannon fire from a shadowing jet before it crashed to the earth.Experts who saw the debris also surmise that the blast fragmentation patterns on the fuselage of the airliner had two distinct shapes. One was a shredding pattern associated with a warhead packed with flechettes. The Second was the uniformly round penetration holes that could have come from the cannon rounds.