Russian President Putin and US President Obama/Reuters File
Russian President Putin and US President Obama/Reuters File Reuters

Russian President Vladimir Putin will reportedly soon outpace the quick-strike capabilities of the United States with his radar-beating trains that can launch nuclear missiles from any location without fear of detection.

While the Kremlin "secret weapon" is technically in the development stage, the stealthy nuclear trains are seen to become operational as early as 2019, The Australian reported this week, adding that the project is part of Moscow's $530 billion worth of military build-up that will roll out over the coming years.

Nuclear missile trains crisscrossing Russian territories and allied nations will definitely become a frightening reality. "In the best-case scenario, they will be deployed by the end of the decade, probably somewhere around 2019," The Australian report added.

The publication pointed to Russia's Tass news agency as source of the information.

Technology not exactly new

Mobile deployment of nuclear missiles is not entirely new as the capability dates back to the Soviet Union-era and abandoned only in the aftermath of the end of Cold War. Russia completely halted the program in 2007 when the last of the nuclear missile train was sent to the scrap yard.

However, as Russia feels that its dispute with the West and the U.S. continues to heat up, mostly due to its actions concerning Ukraine, Putin reportedly instructed his military leaders to beef up the Kremlin's military might - both on the conventional and nuclear weaponries.

Specifically, Putin is looking to develop a lethal counterpunch to America's Prompt Global Strike that was designed to strike anywhere in the world in an hour using conventional weapons.

Russian military leaders thought of the nuclear missile trains that allegedly won Putin's nod.


While operating on the same principle of ingenious disguise to elude detection (its Soviet versions ran as freight trains), the new weapons system delivery boasts of significant improvements.

For one, the trains can run on ordinary tracks and launch its loads worry-free as the new-generation of nuclear missiles are nearly twice as lighter compared to the batches used in the 1980s.

Also, the trains' travel speed has been considerably boosted, which only adds up to the secret weapon's invisibility (or even invincibility).

Preparations for war?

Having a fleet of nuclear missile trains is seen as only one of the solid indicators that Moscow is preparing in the event war with the West - specifically against the U.S. and NATO - breaks out. Other signs that the Kremlin is ready for conflict are contained on its recent announcement that it will halt cooperating with the White House on matters of nuclear security.

As for America's readiness in case of a shooting war with Russia erupts, which likely will involve nuclear weapons, the nation is reportedly gearing up to modernize its arsenal of nuclear weapons with a spending budget that could reach a staggering $1 trillion.

However, such planned upgrades are mostly long-term and the benefits of which will not be realised until after 30 years from now, The Australian reported.