Russia's President Putin addresses audience in Ulan Bator
Russia's President Vladimir Putin addresses the audience as he takes part in festivities to mark the 75th anniversary of the victory in the Battle of Khalkhin Gol in Ulan Bator, September 3, 2014. Reuters

The recent moves of the United States over Russia did not bode well as the latter threatens to retaliate or engage in counter measures. The West pushed a series of sanctions over Russia angering the country's administration. As the tension rises between the two companies, many world officials and analysts warn that war drums are beating louder.

Former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev said in an exclusive interview with TIME that if the two countries cannot reconcile then a new Cold War may be brewing. The Global Research Center for Research on Globalization noted that a conflict has been brewing fast for the two countries as the Russian media claims the Obama administration eager on imposing the sanctions. The West has already started shipping lethal and non-lethal weapons to Ukraine to supposedly "aid" the country against Vladimir Putin. Leading Russian parliamentarian Mikhail Emelyanov said last Saturday that his government "cannot calmly watch as the US arms Ukraine with the most modern lethal weapons. In this regard, we should not appear weak. The situation is very alarming. Judging by US intentions, they want to turn Ukraine into a fighting platform against Russia."

In another report by Colonel Cassad, a Russian website, the organization declared that Ukraine's airports located in Dnepropetrovsk, Kharkov and Zaporozyhe were closed for some unidentified reason. The most likely being because the United States has started unloading the weapons. According to the report: "one of the airport workers replied that the airport has to be prepared to accept military aircraft with equipment, including Kharkov and Dnepropetrovsk. The equipment is expected from the United States."

Reports argued that if the United States did not want to engage in more conflict more so even war with Russia then sending weapons to Ukraine may not have been the best move. In a report by Forbes, author Doug Bandow, challenges the U.S. Congress for putting United States at risk because of the additional sanctions. According to Bandow:

"Congress long ago learned that public scrutiny makes it harder to pass bad bills. So on Thursday in the midst of negotiations to avoid another government shut-down both houses of Congress rammed through new sanctions against Russia, the misnamed 'Ukraine Freedom Support Act of 2014'."

Forbes goes as far to say that the Congress seems set on turning the adversary into a full blown enemy encouraging retaliation with its recent moves. The challenges the decision whether it is really for the greater interest of the Americans.