A U.S. comedian live tweeted the messy break up of his neighbours when he found them quarrelling at the rooftop. The drama, according to sources, kicked off as American comedian Kyle Ayers was on his rooftop in Brooklyn.Instead of leaving the couple, Ayers live tweeted the whole event with the whole world intimate to the break up of people they do not know using the hashtag #roofbreakup.

Eavesdropping: The Ethics of Live Tweeting

According to the BBC, eavesdroppers who went to Twitter to tweet about what they are listening in to became rather popular. One good example is the tweeting of a National Security Agency briefing.

A couple is breaking up on my roof right now. I was just trying to enjoy the view. Now I will live tweet the breakup. #roofbreakup

— Kyle Ayers (@kyleayers) November 17, 2013

"Do you love me?" -girl (OH BOY HERE WE GO, PEOPLE) #roofbreakup — Kyle Ayers (@kyleayers) November 17, 2013

"I don't think we need to talk about this up here with some random guy over there." -guy (uh oh, I'm that guy over here) #roofbreak

— Kyle Ayers (@kyleayers) November 17, 2013

Whether or not the story of the breakup is real or just a sketch by Ayers, no one will know, sources say. The #roofbreakup hashtag went viral on November 17 hours after the supposed breakup conversation was done.

Based on the feedback from social networking site Twitter, around 3, 000 tweets were generated by this breakup -mostly from people from different parts of the world telling Ayers that his tweets made them laugh.

Roy Greenslade, a journalism professor believes that social networking magnified the issue of respecting people's privacy that traditional papers faced before. Greenslade tells the BBC, "When Mark Zuckerberg said in 2010 that there's no such thing as privacy, people didn't take him seriously - but this is a perfect example" referring to #roofbreakup.

Greenslade reiterates that the technology of doing such a thing as what Ayers did is something that people cannot control and that everyone should be aware that a stranger might be intently tapping on their phone live tweeting about you.