Most Precious Awards of Robin Williams
Floral tributes on Robin Williams, Oscar winner hanged out on a belt at his home, but Never Passes still Remains in the Memory of thousands REUTERS

Robin Williams' close friend and actor, Rob Schneider, 50, thinks the comedian's death can be attributed to the medications he was taking while treating his the symptoms of Parkinson's disease. The "Home Alone 2" star blames the pharmaceutical industry as a whole for people who commit suicide in America.

Daily Star UK reports that grief-stricken Rob Schneider took to Twitter to reveal to his 193,000 followers that Robin Williams did not commit suicide out of the blue because of his depression. Rather, he put forward that the pharmaceutical industry should be held accountable for Robin's untimely death and the other suicides that were committed across the country.

He tweeted, "Now that we can talk about it. #RobinWilliams was on a drug treating the symptoms of Parkinson's. One of the SIDE-EFFECTS IS SUICIDE! [sic]"

"The Evil pharmaceutical industry ADMITS TO OVER 100,000 people in the USA DIE A YEAR FROM "PRESCRIPTION" DRUGS!! #RobinWilliams," he elaborated.

Even though the "Patch Adams" actor's spokeswoman denied the speculations that medication drugs pushed him to commit suicide, a source close to the actor's family shared that Robin recently got out of rehab and that he was taking a lot a prescription drugs for his anxiety and depression.

"A lot of Robin's friends are convinced that the cocktail of prescription pills he was on somehow contributed to his mental state deteriorating as quickly as it did. Robin had always suffered from depression and addiction but the diagnosis and treatment of his Parkinson's was new, as was the combination of drugs he was on," shared the source to Daily Mail.

Unfortunately, the source revealed that most of these drugs listed have suicidal thoughts as a possible side effect. This supports Rob Schneider's claim.

The "Good Will Hunting" star's passing left his family, colleagues, and a legion of fans grieving. Many were also shocked the actor was diagnosed with Parkinson's. Even close friends like Michael J. Fox, who is suffering from PD himself, was shocked.

Many are also starting to question the effects of depression and the safety of prescription drugs.