Do not click on the Facebook link to Rihanna's sex tape. The link going viral on social media Web site is nothing but a scam that could disrupt the operation of your devices. Besides Rihanna's sex tape, there are many other such links with appealing titles swirling around the internet that users need to beware of.

According to the Guardian, antivirus company Bitdefender has released a list of 10 most popular malware scams making rounds on Facebook in 2014. The report notes that the most popular Facebook scam is the one that promises viewers to tell them the number of visitors who viewed their profiles. The company has recognised 30.2 percent of such fraudulent links on the social networking website in the year of 2014.

The publication has published the list shared with it by Bitdefender. Based on the list, after the profile visitors link, the "change your Facebook color" scam is quite popular with 7.38 percent of such links identified. Rihanna's sex tape charts at number three with 4.76 percent of malicious Facebook links. It is followed by "check my status update to get free Facebook T-shirt," "say goodbye to Blue Facebook" and "unsealed. we are giving them away for free" links. Finding out who viewed profiles and changing Facebook themes are other popular Facebook scams.

The report notes that last year, a fake link to Taylor Swift's non-existent sex tape and winning a free Disneyland trip were some of the popular Facebook scams users fell victim to.

These links with appealing titles usually take the users to malicious websites that reportedly try to install viruses to the devices accessing the page.

"This is social engineering at its finest—a challenging mental game that pushes the right psychological buttons," Catalin Cosoi, chief security strategist at Bitdefender, told the Guardian.

"The baits have changed over time, with stalkers, peekers, admirers, overly attached girlfriends and exes haunting you, but the reason this scam works is simple: human nature," Cosoi added.

Bitdefender has reportedly designed an app that warns Facebook users against such threats.

According to a latest report, a new Facebook scam promised its user to hack anyone's account. But the users who fell for the trick ended up hacking their own accounts, reported The report notes that this is not the first time such a scam has surfaced. Scammers fooled users with similar tricks in 2011. The scammers reportedly targeted users in India.