Sometimes some celebrities get it all wrong when they agree to endorse products and campaigns that are way too quirky to fit their image.

Others do it when they have ran out of gigs to do and they need something to revive their career from the huge slump.

How about those that are still on top but probably have made the wrong moves in choosing the right company or product to endorse.

The Olsen Twins appeared for a 'Got Milk' advertisement even when Mary-Kate was then suffering from an eating disorder. All her paparazzi pictures just show she's not much into drinking milk unless the campaign is against osteoporosis.

Hulk Hogan once endorsed a kitchen appliance and his very own grilling product. Not to mention the famous 'Hulkster Burger' and an energy drink.

The sophisticated Kim Kardashian once attended the ribbon cutting event of Times Square's 5Th Annual Charmin Restrooms. Believe it or not, she once promoted tissue paper.

Rapper, Nelly, introduced an energy drink he called as 'Pimp Juice' in 2003. It was promoted as the number one energy drink of hip hop fans.

Music icon, Carlos Santana, started a new line for women's shoes which was described as the reflection of Santana's music. It was called Carlos by Carlos Santana.

Check out the slideshow to know more celebrity endorsements who made it in this list!


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