Winning a shopping voucher is a pleasant experience for anyone, including Queen Elizabeth II. She was delighted to win a supermarket voucher from Tesco amounting to £50 (A$98). She won the voucher from a horse show, where her 14-year-old horse bagged the first prize.

The shopping voucher made its way to the headlines.She was photographed in the Royal Windsor Horse Show beaming with pride while holding the said voucher, NDTV notes.

The amount may be peanuts for her. According to Asia One , Queen Elizabeth II has £340 million (A$672 million) in her listed personal fortune. However, it was reported that Her Majesty burst out laughing when she opened the envelope that contained the show’s winnings and the supermarket voucher.

It is known that the Queen often distributes her prizes to the people who are involved in the training and care of her winning horse. This usually includes her jockeys, horse trainers and those who were involved in its success.

Tesco also spoke up and offered its congratulations. Their spokesman wanted the Queen to know that they hope the voucher would be of help with the Palace’s weekly royal shopping.

In 2015, the royal accounts made public the palace’s expenses. Her Majesty’s household reportedly spent as much as £1.3 million (A$2.57 million) for food and drinks only. This was equivalent to spending £25,000 (A$49,000) in one week.

Back in 2012, the royal household was placed under scrutiny for not managing the household budget, which is paid for by the public, the Guardian reports. During that time, news headlines reflected that the palace was down to its last million. The royal family’s spending was also compared to the average household and it was revealed that it was the equivalent of 2,288 average British households.

News on the Queen’s winnings came just in time for her 90th birthday. It was also seen to be a better headline following news of a leaked video of her saying that some Chinese officials were rude when they visited in October 2015. However, China affirms that ties with the Royal family remain unscathed.