Another game has proven the power of crowdfunding. Upcoming “Psychonauts 2” from Double Fine Productions has managed to raise US$ 1.1 million (approx. AU$ 1.5 million) in just a day. This is already half of the expected US$ 3.3 million (approx. AU$4.5 million) funding expected for development.

Tim Schafer, founder of the Double Fine Productions has started a crowdfunding campaign over Fig to raise funds that could help push the game through the development phase. Like many other resurrections, “Psychonauts 2” has to make sure everybody who is paying to them should know which parts they are paying for.

Keeping this in mind, the developer has made sure that people will be able to be in on the game development process every step of the way. Double Fine has also ensure that fans can even meet other Psychonauts as well. According to Double Fine’s official website, fans will also be updated via YouTube.

A short teaser video for “Psychonauts 2” was also released during "The Game Awards." According to developer, everything including the characters and story narration is prepared and discussed. As far as production goes, the developer revealed that “Psychonauts 2” will be created with Unreal Engine 4.

Now that the project has already reached half of its goal funding, Schafer has already started talks about quality development, promising that he will helm this to ensure that the game meets fan expectations once the funding figures are met.

“Psychonauts 2” is the sequel to Double Fine’s 2005 distinctive game, titled “Psychonauts.” It is a game that has held fan interest on both consoles and PCs, despite being a so-so hit during its launch.

The game follows the story of Razputin, a young psychic on a mission to join Psychonauts, an elite group of international psychic secret agents. Raz breaks into the secret training area, Whispering Rock Psychic Summer Camp. As he starts learning he realises all is not as it seems, and soon starts delving into levels set inside the minds of madmen, monsters and misfits.

As part of the promotional strategy, Schafer stated that the team has invited people along with their friends and family to join him for a meal where they can discuss plans for “Psychonauts 2.” This is the BrainStorming and Boardgames backer rewards, which is worth US$5,000 (approx. AU$6,823). The smallest backer fund that players can opt for to get a copy of the game is US $18 (approx AU$25). Other backer items that fans can get include access to special features like bloopers, deleted scenes and commentary tracks from the developer, depending on the tier they opt for.

At the time of writing, the Fig campaign funding for “Psychonauts 2” has surpassed US$ 1.7 million (approx. AU$ 2.3 million). The game is expected to come in 2018 for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC and Linux platforms.

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Psychonauts 2 Fig Campaign Pitch Video (Credit: YouTube/DoubleFineProd)