There have been a myriad of polls held online to put a number--if not definitive, exact, or even an approximate--on the console wars for the PS4 and the Xbox One.

But a web site, which is dedicated to giving numbers,, has come up with an approximate that involves a number of areas in the world. In this poll, 90,503 votes or 76.76% goes to PS4, while 27,404 votes or 23.24% goes to the Xbox One.

Fixed or not, there's something to be said when you have more than 75% of votes going for just one console. And even if the so-called Sony fanboys are gathering in all these polls, it's something noteworthy to see why they are willing to go these lengths and vote--if, indeed, only the Sony fanboys are doing the clicking.

Best to check out the site yourself, and cast your own thoughts at Once you click on which side you're on, you can share your vote to Twitter and Facebook, to make them join the battle of the console wars, so to speak.

As per the website's statistics page, there are a total of eight areas being monitored, including France, U.S., U.K. Belgium, Canada, Germany, Russian Federation, and Australia.

And of these eight, not one territory even came close to voting off the PS4, with the highest Xbox One rating coming from France, with 24.7%.

Obviously, this isn't exactly a legitimate study of numbers to gauge exactly where both consoles stand in terms of acceptance from gamers and actual purchase. But considering what CinemaBlend reports regarding the fact that in all current poll--Polar, Amazon, IGN, Kotaku, Green Man Gaming, and even Twitter--PS4 seems to be in the lead for all.

No more "unlimited" preorders

Before June ended, there was an announcement that GameStop will be having an unlimited preorder-taking for the PS4, presumably until supplies last, but just now, PlayStation Lifestyle reports that this has bene put to a stop, at least for the standard PS4 edition.

Now marked as sold out, GameStop can now only accept preorders for the pricier bundles, though the report states that only one per household can be placed on the order.

As though to support the supposed worldwide poll for the console wars, GameStop is still accepting preorders for the Xbox One Day One Edition, which can hint that PS4 really is outselling Microsoft's next-gen console by a long shot.

It doesn't stop with GameStop, as Amazon has also marked the PS4 as being one of the best-selling consoles for 2013. Best to place your preorders in your local stores or through other online retailers while it's still available.

PlayStation TV trademarked

It seems that Sony is really gearing to expand to more than just gaming--or perhaps a more service-oriented gaming via TV?--as a trademark application for PlayStation TV was discovered.

IGN reports that a trademark application, seemingly for a service mark, may be looking at the PlayStation TV as a service. In addition, the trademark was filed last month and altered three days later.

The trademark for the PlayStation TV has been filed way back in 2006, but was abandoned with no progress until recently.

Back during Sony's E3 press conference, there has been talk that there may still be entertainment in the console, even though the main focus is to put gaming back in the front seat.

"You saw some shape to the entertainment services and some shape to the evolution of that at our press conference," said Fergal Gara, VP and MD UK & Ireland at Sony Computer Entertainment to Pocket-Lint in an earlier interview.

"There will be more news to come as we go down the line, but we are absolutely putting gaming on the pedestal, front and centre, for the focus of this machine."

It can be that the PS TV would be the avenue to connect not just your PS4 console but also a means to integrated other services to match up to the Xbox One's living room-centerpiece motif. Only this time, the PS4 console is, technically, all for gaming, with other devices and gadgets doing the work for other services.