E3 2014 featured hundreds of games and several gaming products but not all gaming titles have made attendance at the event. Here are 14 games which missed E3 with possible appearance at Gamescom and Tokyo Game Show.

IGN and Stuff compiled popular gaming titles which missed one of the most famous events in the gaming world.

1. Halo 5 Guardians
Microsoft has not released any new details about the fifth instalment of Halo. The company did feature a nice tease at the end of 343's Master Chief Collection announcement and there may be some developments due to the narrative tie-up with Halo 5.

2. Mad Max
It was showcased at E3 2013 and Gamescom last year with an event held at Sydney, Australia in October. However, the game has been delayed for some reason to 2015 and may appear at next year's E3 event.

3. Rime
Rime was unveiled initially at Gamescom 2013 and it pulled the inspiration of other PS4 influences such as Wind Waker, Ico and Princess Mononoke. But there has been no development about the game or details of its definitive release date.

4. The Last Guardian

A rumoured third game from Team Ico was intended for PS3 that has been announced in 2009. Rumours floated on the idea that The Last Guardian will make its appearance for the PS4 console. However, no game has been produced and no specifics yet if the game has been cancelled.

5. Beyond Good and Evil 2
Ubisoft leaked out several various concept arts and videos about Beyond Good and Evil 2 but the game sustained mystery even at E3 2014. Fans will simply have to hold on the statements from Ubisoft CEO that the game isn't going away.

6. Final Fantasy 15
One of the most anticipated RPG games to rock fans worldwide, Final Fantasy 15 which now departs from the original series roots such as having modern times content. Fans should not be worried for the game is still under development and it may appear at the Tokyo Game Show in October.

7. Persona 5
No exact information on what Persona 5 will feature this year but reports indicate that it may debut at the Tokyo Game Show.

8. Half-Life 3
It has been more than five years since Valve released the Half-Life 2 back in 2003 with two add-ons - Episode 1 and Episode 2 - available since 2006 and 2007, respectively. Valve did not surprise the fans with Half-Life 3 at E3 2014 and there is no confirmation of any release dates for next year.

9. Fortnite
Fornite was revealed at Comic-Con 2012 and only supports PC. According to Epic via IGN, the game will offer free-to-play and that some folks have been recruited already for alpha testing. Its PC exclusivity made absence for it at the E3 2014.

10. Quantic Dream
Quantic Dream's Beyond Two Souls has been revealed at the PlayStation 4 February 2013 event which showcased David Cage's demo. An extended version was released at the E3 2013 with title "The Dark Sorcerer." Reports are expecting new developments at the Gamescom by August.

11. Cyberpunk 2077
CD Project predicts that Cyberpunk will support new generation platforms and scheduled for release on 2015, at least. If the development goes smoothly, fans may get a glimpse at the upcoming Gamescom event.

12. Until Dawn
Originally announced at Gamescom 2012, Until Dawn drew the attention of those who love horror games. Insiders from IGN revealed that the game is still under development and may be testing the new generation PlayStation 4.

13. Bravely Second
Silicon Studio and Square Enix are currently working on this project as a follow-up on Bravely Default which takes place several years after the first instalment. The game was not present at the E3 but some hopes expect it may be unveiled at the Tokyo Game Show.

14. Deus Ex Universe
Deus Ex: Human Revolution was teased earlier but there are little details regarding Deus Ex Universe. With the current setback on several Square Enix games such as FF15, Deus Ex Universe may be given the way set foot in the market by 2015.