While the world ponders and debates on the real reason behind the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI, another rampage has heated up, this time a sale storm where souvenir relics of everything related to the 265th Pope must go and be sold.

Vendors plying their wares in the Vatican grounds have slashed their selling prices of Pope Benedict XVI souvenir relics by almost half, eager to displace the items to make way for new ones related to the forthcoming new pope.

To illustrate, a porcelain statuette of the Pope, before at 25 euro, are now being sold at 15 euro, a certain Marco, a long-time St Peter's Square stallholder, was quoted as saying by News Limited Network.

Even on Ebay, online sellers have likewise joined the bandwagon. A Pope Benedict XVI retirement souvenir magnet relic has been found being sold at the virtual marketplace for an initial bid of US$2.50.

But some Vatican stall holders said that if compared to the time of his predecessor, Pope John Paul II, the newly-resigned pope's souvenir relics did not quite sold as much.

"Pope John Paul II stock has always been more popular and we still sell a lot of images of him," an unidentified stall holder said.

"Benedetto never sold as much."

Apart from the retirement souvenir magnet, some of the souvenir relics related to Pope Benedict XVI's resignation being sold in Ebay include original Italian newspapers with headlines of his retirement, resignation rosaries in various colours and a Euro coinset.

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