Tsunekazu Ishihara, President and CEO of The Pokemon Company and Producer of Pokemon, Introduces the New 'Pokemon Art Academy' Game During a News Conference at E3 in Los Angeles
Tsunekazu Ishihara, president and chief executive officer of The Pokemon Company and producer of Pokemon, introduces the new "Pokemon Art Academy" game during a news conference at the 2014 Electronic Entertainment Expo, known as E3, in Los Angeles, California, June 11, 2014. REUTERS

A new feature coming for the "Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire" is the PokeNav Plus, which the Pokemon Company tagged as "the best friend on your adventure" when playing the latest Pokemon installment. Apart from giving you some useful information to make necessary information about the journey more accessible, you will be able to have an easier time navigating with the new tool.

The PokeNav Plus will be showcased on the lower screen of the Nintendo 3DS, so it will be handy when outside of battles and special events. It will also have four main functions, which will be seamlessly integrated so that you can go through them in an instant.

The four functions are detailed over the official "Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire" website, and these are the DexNav, AreaNav, BuzzNav and PlayNav. The DexNav focuses on the Pokemon that will appear in the area you are in, including ones that are hidden. This allows you to prepare for Pokemons lying in wait, so you already know what's coming before they appear. For those who want to complete their collections, the DexNav is also useful in widening your search, so it will be easier to spot Pokemons with hidden abilities.

The AreaNav lets you in on the area you are in, and will let you know about Secret Bases, the locations of Pokemons and Trainers and even know update you on where Bery Trees are growing. These can be very handy during battles or in making Pokeblocks.

As the name suggests, the BuzzNav is all about what you need to know in and around the Hoenn region. You get access to the StreetPass news and some TV shows and interviews around Hoenn, some of which can be handy in terms of getting special information.

Lastly, there's the PlayNav, where you can trade Pokemons or battle with others. It's a hub that also lets you use the Super Training app or have fun with your Pokemon via the Pokemon-Amie. This will also feature the Player Search System, which is utilized for trading Pokemons and battling with other players.

Another creation to look forward to comes from manga artist Junji Ito, who has been tapped by the Pokemon Company to create an illustration lineup for Halloween for the franchise. According to DualShockers, there will be a KowaPoke page in the official Pokemon Japanese website that will show off the Ghost-type POkemons for Halloween.

And to further promote this, Ito will be providing some creepy illustrations, a sample of which is showcased in the link above. The illustrations can either be downloaded onto your smartphones as wallpapers or used for shirt designs as giveaways, though the company has not yet given details for the mechanics.

"Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire" More Mega Evolutions (Credit: YouTube/Pokemon)

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