pauline hanson
Australia's One Nation party leader Senator Pauline Hanson makes her maiden speech in the Senate at Parliament House in Canberra, Australia, September 14, 2016. AAP/Mick Tsikas/via Reuters

One Nation leader Pauline Hanson posted on Twitter on Monday asking why there was no women's march that would protest for women affected by Islamic extremists. The tweet came after she accused the Australian women as overweight clowns when they participated in the protest against Donald Trump.

Hanson posted on her Facebook on Saturday an attack to 10,000 protesters from Australia who marched against President Donald Trump. “Don’t these clowns have anything else better to do with their time other than to hold sad, anti-democracy protests?" Hanson wrote.

"Why on earth would anyone want to walk around in this heat chanting about One Nation and the new President of the United States of America, Donald Trump?" Hanson wrote. She also posted her opinion about the vandalising of businesses and committing assaults of the US demonstrators in Washington.

The march was participated by more than 400 Queenslander who chanted, "Donald Trump, go to hell. Take One Nation there as well." The march was also held in Canberra, Sydney, Brisbane, Perth and Adelaide. In the US, there were about 500,000 people who gathered in Washington that Interim DC Police Chief Peter Newsham said there was no room left to march. There were more than 2.5 million people across US that marched against Trump.

The One Nation leader is a vocal Trump supporter. She proudly posted on her Twitter an invitation on Trump's inauguration. However, she declined to attend as she had prior commitments on the said event. South Australian One Nation Senator Brian Burston attended the event representing Hanson.

Hanson announced that she received gifted tickets but it turned out that One Nation Senator Malcolm Roberts had petitioned for the tickets. It was also revealed that US Republican Congressman Adam Kizinger provided the requested spare tickets. The senator asked for multiple tickets but Kinzinger has advised that two tickets were available.