PlayStation Store
There''s a PlayStation Store sale currently ongoing until June 29. PlayStation

With the E3’s energy still running high for gamers, there are a few trickles of discounts worth checking out. PlayStation and Humble Bundle are both holding sales, while there is a new possible hint at when the awaited Steam Summer Sale from Valve will happen.

New PlayStation Store sale starts

PlayStation players can also look forward to another sale on the PlayStation Store. This sale is different from the Best of E3 sale, which has up to 75 percent discounts on select games.

For the new sale, the focus is on EA titles, which offers discounts of up to 60 percent discounts on titles and DLCs until June 29. Over at the PlayStation Blog, the company listed the games included in the EA promotion.

Among the titles offered include series and franchises, like “Battlefield” “Command & Conquer” titles, “Crysis 2” and “Crysis 3,” “Dead Space 2” and “Dead Space 3” titles, “Mass Effect,” “Medal of Honor” and “Need for Speed.” There is also a whole shebang of “EA Sports” titles, including “FIFA,” NHL,” “UFC” and “NBA.” Some must-have specific titles include “FIFA 16,” “Madden NFL 16,” “Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 2: Deluxe Edition,” “

There’s also another part of the sale, which offers Digital Discounts. Some of these titles are “Octodad: Dadliest Catch,’ “Super Time Force Ultra,” “Knock-Knock,” “Quiplash” and “Crimsonland.” “Ratchet & Clank” is also offered as the PlayStation Store Deal of the Week.

Humble Bundle holds E3 Digital Ticket Bundle

There’s an offer running for Humble Bundle, the E3 2016 Digital Ticket Bundle. This brings a load of discounted titles and great deals, where US$1 can get 13 deals in the bundle. These include a mix of titles, offers and add-ons, such as “Psychonauts,” “Mountain” and “Superfight” Closed Beta access plus a Joiner Micro Deck.

Some add-ons included in the bundle are “Wildstar” E3 Pack, “Warframe” PC booster pac, “Guns Up!” Starter Pack, Armored Warfare” E3 Pack and “Neverwinter” Adventurer’s Helper Pack and an exclusive Lord of the Labyrinth title.

Paying US$ will unlock “Grey Goo” Definitive Edition, “Monster Hunter Generations” Demo, as well as the “Blade & Soul” E3 pack, “War Thunder” add-on, skins for “Smite,” a 30-day trial access code and a few skins for “EVE Online” and a three-month premium license for “XSplit.”

The last tier unlocks three more offers, “Life is Feudal: Your Own,” “Paladins” beta key, chests and skins and “Payday 2” E3 mask pack and a DLC. As of writing, the last tier requires players to pay the average price of US$8.96 plus US$4. The full list of offers can be seen via the official Humble Bundle website.

Steam Sale start date confirmed

Following a tipster’s leak for a June 23 start date for the Steam Summer Sale, another source had already confirmed the date. Oddly enough, instead of being Valve itself, the one responsible for the confirmation is Paypal.

Polygon has a screenshots of the Tweet announcement. The Steam Summer Sale will supposedly run from 9:45 a.m. PT on June 23 until 10:00 a.m. PT on July 4, as per the leak. Even with the leaked date, there are still no confirmations as to which games will be included in the sale.