A new study revealed that despite an abundance of sunlight, almost one third of Australian adults suffer from Vitamin D deficiency and this has become a major public health issue that needs urgent attention.

Vitamin D is a steroid vitamin which encourages the absorption and metabolism of calcium and phosphorous. According to medical experts, people who are exposed to normal quantities of sunlight do not need vitamin D supplements because sunlight promotes sufficient vitamin D synthesis in the skin.

However, a national study which evaluated the vitamin D status of Australians showed that nearly one third of the adult population has vitamin D deficiency. Those at greatest risk for deficiency were women, the elderly, the obese, people doing less than 2.5 hours of physical activity a week, and people of non- European background.

But what do we need vitamin D for?

According to Medical News today, vitamin D is crucial to the body due to the following reasons:

First, vitamin D is necessary for the absorption and metabolism of calcium and phosphorous which are necessary for the maintenance of healthy bones and brain. Thus, this nutrient may reduce the risk of developing multiple sclerosis.

Vitamin D is also linked to maintaining a healthy body weight, strengthening one's immunity against disorders like common cold, and can reduce the frequency and severity of asthma symptoms.

Radiological experts from the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene said that a form of vitamin D could be one of our body's main protections against damage from low levels of radiation.

Meanwhile, various studies have shown that people with adequate levels of vitamin D have a significantly lower risk of developing cancer, compared to people with lower levels. Specifically, a study by the Cancer Treatment Centers of America found that Vitamin D deficiency was found to be prevalent in cancer patients regardless of nutritional status.

A person who cannot produce enough vitamin D in his body because of insufficient sunlight exposure need to obtain it from foods and perhaps supplements. People with a high risk of vitamin D deficiency are advised to consume 25 μg (1000 IU) of vitamin D each day so that there is a good level of 25-hydroxyvitamin D in the bloodstream.

However, elderly people, as well as people with dark skin should consume extra vitamin D for good health, medical experts said.