NVIDIA has a special promo offered to owners of desktop computers buying a new GeForce GTX 980 or 970 and owners with 980M or 970M GPUs installed on laptop computers. Upcoming game titles are featured by the promo from Ubisoft such as "The Crew," "Far Cry 4" and "Assassin's Creed Unity."

NVIDIA Free Games From Ubisoft By Purchasing New GeForce Graphics Processing Chipset

NVIDIA has been working to engage latest graphics technologies among Ubisoft game and after the successful optimisation development for selected graphics cards, three Ubisoft games have been made compatible to work on the optimised setting on several GeForce graphics card models.

GeForce GTX 980, 970, 780 Ti and 780 for desktop computers are capable of using the optimised setting on upcoming game titles by Ubisoft "The Crew," "Far Cry 4" and "Assassin's Creed Unity." Optimised setting also works on GeForce GTX 980M and 970M graphics cards for laptop computers.

As part of the company's announcement, these are available for free on the promotion called "Pick Your Path." Anyone who purchased GeForce GTX 980, 970, 780 Ti or 780 for desktop computers or GeForce GTX 980M or 970M for laptop computers can select one of the three upcoming game titles mentioned above. Click here to visit "Pick Your Patch" website to redeem codes. "Pick Your Path" promo started in Nov. 4 and available for a limited time only or while supplies last.

1. "Assassin's Creed Unity" is the upcoming instalment of the "Assassin's Creed" game series to be released on November and December 2014 for Windows PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4 with storyline starting in Paris during the French Revolution.

2. "The Crew" is upcoming online racing video game with open world setting to be released on December 2014 for Windows, Xbox One, Xbox 360 ported by Asobo Studio and PlayStation 4.

3. "Far Cry 4" is the fourth instalment of the "Far Cry" game series to be released on November 2014 for Windows, Xbox One, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4 with storyline of Ajay Ghale who returns to Kyrat.

Credit: YouTube/Assassin's Creed UK