''Mario'', a character in Nintendo Co Ltd's ''Mario Bros'' video games
''Mario'', a character in Nintendo Co Ltd's ''Mario Bros'' video games, is seen at the company's showroom in Tokyo July 28, 2011. Reuters/Toru Hanai

Nintendo has finally hit 125 years of being in the gaming business. The closing of September marks another year that the Japanese giant company will be adding to its years in the industry.

For decades, it has had quite the influence as well as trademark additions to the gaming lineup. Indeed, it has come a far cry from being a single store in Japan, and Sydney Morning Herald traces some of the things that Nintendo has brought the world of gaming.

To start off, Nintendo had its own share of trinkets, from cards, which was actually its main origin as a company, to a hodgepodge of items and services. These ranged from building blocks, pens, and of course, games that brought the likes of Mario and Donkey Kong to life.

Nintendo has also produced a diverse lineup of consoles, from the infamous Famicom to the Nintendo Entertainment System, which was also released in the Western part of the world.

In celebration of over three decades' worth of being in the business, there are new firmware updates that have coincided with Nintendo's anniversary. For starters, the Wii U is getting a new system update coming this week.

Joystiq reports that the update will allow players to use folders when organizing icons. The Wii Menu will also be welcoming the Download Management icon, while the Quick Start Menu will be displayed when you use the Wii U via the Wii U GamePad TV Remote.

Expect some changes in the Home Menu as well in terms of design and layout. Overall, the new update will bring adjustments in stability and usability of the console. Check the list of changes coming with the Wii U system update here.

Nintendo's other console, the Nintendo 3DS, will also be getting its October firmware update, and with that comes almost 50 themes. Sadly, as of now, the themes are slated to hit Japan first, according to Nintendo Everything, with no word from Nintendo if it plans on releasing them to outside territories.

Nintendo Everything features the full listing of the themes with corresponding prices in Japanese yen and some samples of the themes. Some of the themes include "Monster Hunter," "Animal Crossing," Super Mario characters, and random colourful shapes.

Nintendo's 125 years (Credit: YouTube/TheBlackBaron)

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