#Neknominate is dominating the Australian online social scene, and it’s either considered just a silly game or a dangerous one for the young adults. The new social media trend is apparently clogging up Facebook pages with videos of participants chugging a beer in creative and extreme ways.

The new trend is actually a chain-mail game that started in the UK earlier in January 2013. A year later, it has become a craze in Australia, where young people are trying to outdo each other with outlandish ways to chug down their beer.

#Neknominate involves participants filming themselves downing a beer in creative fashions then nominating one or two of their buddies to do the same. They post their video on social media sites, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

The craze has become viral all over the country that even former AFL football manager Ricky Nixon thought to join in.

When Ricky Nixon gets involved with #neknominate you know it's about to face an abrupt end! #burnout pic.twitter.com/Id43cn0or5

— Matt Berriman (@mattyberriman) January 6, 2014

Though it appears harmless at first, the hashtag trend is quickly becoming more dangerous as people try to top the person who nominated them with more extreme ways to skol their drink. Most participants are young adult males, but there are those who appear to be underage girls and boys as well.

The police have also gotten involved, though they didn’t join in the craze, they wanted to stop it when the #neknominate stunts start including people finishing off their beer while driving a car.

One particular video sees an unnamed 21-year-old man finishing off a mug of beer and nominating a friend and the Victoria Police while driving.

Epping Highway Patrol told The Age that it is investigating the stunt, and has alaredy spoken to the driver and his passenger about the incident.