A jogger runs along the shore of Manly Beach after sunrise on the first day of Spring in Sydney September 1, 2008
IN PHOTO: A jogger runs along the shore of Manly Beach after sunrise on the first day of Spring in Sydney September 1, 2008 Reuters/ Will Burgess

There are a number of ways that you can wake up energised and ready for the day's various challenges. Simple tweaks in your routine, as well as healthy habits, can make a big difference and provide you with the focus and stamina you need for the long term.

1. Get enough sleep

Lack of sleep is one of the main reasons why you may not wake up energised in the morning. Experts recommend that you get at least seven to eight hours of uninterrupted sleep at night to fully recover your mind and muscles.

2. Do not get up immediately

When your alarm sounds, do not leave your bed quickly. Spark People recommends that you take three to five minutes doing deep breathing exercises and stretching while lying down. These will help relax your muscles and clear your thoughts so you feel more energised to take on the day's tasks.

3. Wake up to music and sunlight

Studies revealed that people who set music to serve as their wake-up alarm, are more energised compared to those who have to tolerate annoying ringing and buzzing to alert them in the morning. Also, letting natural sunlight into your room will boost your natural circadian rhythm, triggering your mind and body to prepare for the start of the day.

4. Eat healthy

Eating junk food and products that are rich in animal fat, cholesterol and salt can be taxing on your endocrine system.

The endocrine system is responsible for the proper release of hormones in the body and can affect the quality of your sleep. Eat more nutritious foods coming from natural and low-fat sources to sleep better and wake up energised, wrote American motivational speaker and self-help writer Steve Pavlina.

5. Repaint your room

Darkroom colors tend to affect your mood and may reduce energy. Research showed how bright and lively colors in your bedroom can improve the way you wake up in the morning and can trigger adrenaline release to make your more focused and stronger. Some of the best tones to include are orange, yellow and bright green.

Nothing beats having a great start to your morning. Consider these steps to wake up energised and perform better throughout the day.

For questions/comments regarding the article, you may email the writer at vdoctor@IBTIMES.com.au