One of the inescapable parts of aging is the decline of cognitive functionality. With advanced age comes the possibility of slower cognitive processing that eventually might even lead to disorders ike dementia and Parkinson's disease. Recent studies have suggested that natural remedies might help in slowing down the aging process.

Australian scientists at the Swinburne University of Technology have been investigating natural pharmacological remedies that may be effective in aiding the preservation of cognitive processes like memory, speech and reasoning. The researchers analysed how efficient natural pharmaceutical agents can be in preserving cognitive processes.

The study revealed that one particular natural extract known as ginkgo biloba, or Egb 761, may prove to be very useful when concerned with mental aging. This particular natural extract has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It is also thought to increase blood flow and improve metabolism among people.

Other natural extracts like the Indian herb bacopa monniera, polyphenols and fish oil have all been known to have properties that may aid in improving cognitive processes. Fish oil is know to have omega 3 fatty acids that can help in regularising cell functionality and aiding cognitive processes. Bacopa monniera is believed to improve memory and learning and speed up other cognitive functions.

The above mentioned are a few of the most thoroughly studied and effective natural pharmaceutical extracts that scientists have been known to suggest as being the most effective when it comes to slowing down the cognitive aging process. Further studies must be conducted to ascertain if these natural extracts can be used to provide people suffering with cognitive cellular decline, with some alternative medicinal options.