"Mortal Kombat X" may be the much anticipated and much-hyped gruesome game that has yet to be released, but its roster of fighters might see an expansion within the month.

A new leak spotted by Segment Next has hinted that Kano may be coming in to "Mortal Kombat X" as a playable character. The leak comes from a German magazine, though no official confirmation has been given by NetherRealm Studios.

According to the source, Kano was present in the 2011 Mortal Kombat title. Adding him to the roster is not a surprise, considering that the developers have stated that there will be old and new characters to in "Mortal Kombat X."

There's even a snapshot of Kano thanks to the leak, which can be seen in the link above, making the rumour even more legitimate.

For those who may not be familiar with Kano, GiantBomb states that he is one of the original Mortal Kombatants, apart from being a member of an international crime syndicate.

What's more interesting is that Kano may be looking at another redesign for "Mortal Kombat X" when comparing the leaked image to the old character design. Still, best to treat the new leak with a pinch of salt, at least until the tease comes straight from the main man at NetherRealm Studios.

Gamescom Hint Straight from Boon

Surprisingly, the ultimate tease for NetherRealm Studios' games, creative head Ed Boon, has been lacking in updates and teases for the past few days.

But Shoryuken managed to spot a rather straightforward tease in a recent tweet from Boon:

RT @MK_BigD @noobde When will we find .. new about MKX? Its been a while and no hints =( EB: I won't play GAMES or try to COMpete with you.

— Ed Boon (@noobde) July 30, 2014

It doesn't take much to figure out what Boon had been referring to--none other than the event at Cologne, Germany that will run from August 13 to 17, Gamescom.

But other than that, Boon and the rest of the NetherRealm staff have been very quiet about any possible "Mortal Kombat X" leads. This pretty much means a big lack of any official information on what to expect for Gamescom.

However, given how other developers are planning to show off their respective games, a little trailer here and a few announcements there should be expected for "Mortal Kombat X."

"Who's Next" in "Morta Kombat X" (Credit: YouTube/Mortal Kombat Community)

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