A participant dressed as the character "Scorpion" from the upcoming 2015 "Mortal Kombat X" fighting game is seen at Comic-Con Russia convention and IgroMir 2014 exhibition in Moscow, October 3, 2014.
IN PHOTO: A participant dressed as the character "Scorpion" from the upcoming 2015 "Mortal Kombat X" fighting game is seen at Comic-Con Russia convention and IgroMir 2014 exhibition in Moscow, October 3, 2014. Reuters/Sergei Karpukhin

NetherRealm Studios has released a new DLC pack for “Mortal Kombat X” that contains four free fatalities. These fatalities are described as classic moves, a throwback to the movie-version fighting stunts popularly mastered by the original “Mortal Kombat” casts.

These four “Mortal Kombat X” fatalities are sure to give that sense of nostalgia to fans of the game and the movie. Contained in the “Klassic Fatality” DLC pack, these moves include those employed by characters such as Sub-Zero, Scorpion, Sonya and Johnny Cage.

Cinema Blend has listed down all four fatalities along with their descriptions. Kotaku also released a video compilation courtesy of You Tube user Synn.

The first fatality is the classic spine-rip move from Sub Zero. In this photo shared by Kotaku, a series game player employs the brutal move to an opponent by ripping off his head. According to Cinema Blend, this fatality was upped by NetherRealm by having the opponent claw at the air first before falling to his death.

The second “Mortal Kombat X” fatality contained in the new “Klassic Fatality” DLC sees the opponent burning to his death. Kotaku again shared a photo showing Scorpion’s fire breathing finisher. The player unleashes his power by unveiling his fire-glowing face under his mask and toasting the flesh off his opponent.

Sonya’s kiss of death lands on the third fatality. The classic move sees the “Mortal Kombat X” character blowing off a little ball across to his opponent. That ball of fire instantly pulverises the opponent to his death.

The last classic “Mortal Kombat X” fatality belongs to Johnny Cage. The character’s standard uppercut move is apparently enough to rip the opponent’s head off from his body. Cinema Blend claimed this move is very “lame” and that NetherRealm Studios should have added Kano’s fatality instead.

“Out of everyone I always thought that him ripping out his opponent's heart was one of the most gruesome Fatalities in the game. It would have seemed like Kano would have been a shoe-in for a classic Fatality in Mortal Kombat X,” writer William Usher said.

These four free fatalities contained in the “Klassic Fatality” DLC pack are now available for use for owners of “Mortal Kombat X.” NetherRealm Studios also included the Predator DLC bundle for gamers who have bought the Kombat Pack.

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