Miley Cyrus, who hinted at having gender identity issues, shares the reason why she coloured her long armpits pink. Her reason does not have anything to do about her wanting attention or having a wild behaviour. Instead, it was an effort to raise awareness on her nonprofit venture, the Happy Hippie Foundation.

Miley is joining in the fight for LGBT and homeless youth. While she has always been vocal about equality, this is the first time that she established a foundation for it and done something so drastic herself to make people aware of the foundation’s objectives. Last month, she shocked everyone with her long armpits hair in a rock music event, but she did not explain if it was for a cause. Everyone just chuck it as plain ol’ Miley behaviour. This time she dyed her hair pink and surprised everyone again. However this time, she explained that it is there to raise awareness to her Happy Hippie Foundation and its objectives of providing "homeless youth, LGBT youth and other vulnerable youth populations with consistent support services, education and employment opportunities.”

She also told Associated Press that the pink pits have a message to share: “Don’t tell me what to do.” She added that with this, she does not mean others just be themselves and she be Miley Cyrus. She needs people to accept all of her too, even the flaws. She said she is going to be her “expletive self, too” and people should stop judging that.

This comes in timely as she revealed something that truly shocked her fans. While media reports have been staying in tune with all the guys that she has been dating, including Nick Jonas, Liam Hemsworth, and the boyfriend she recently broken up with, Patrick Schwarzenegger, no one had a buzz that she is suffering from gender identity issues. She herself admitted to it and told AP that not all the people she dated had been heterosexuals.

In her Facebook page, she also said she is “open” and does not want to label herself. She said she would love anyone who would love her. Apart from these hints that she can be gay too, albeit not the label, she also told Out Magazine that she certainly did not want to be a boy. Instead, she said she does not relate to what society deems as a girl or a boy. She clarified that she did not hate being a girl, but being put into the box just because she was born a female.

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