A file photo showing Microsoft logo REUTERS/Pichi Chuang

The Lumia 535 has been designed to meet the budget of low-end market, and it does show with its 5-inch qHD screen that sports a relatively low resolution. But recently, a new speculation claims that the tech giant is cooking three new Lumia devices that might be released sometime in 2015.

This is contrary to rumours that Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella plans to ditch the company's mobile business. Despite the fact that the Windows Phone platform is not doing well in enticing new partners to support it, Microsoft appears to be ready in going all out in order to release several new devices each year.

Based on the recent AdDuplex Windows Phone Statistics Report, consumers will see the latest standing of Windows Phone devices, Windows Phone 8 manufacturers and OS versions in certain countries like Brazil, Spain, France, Italy, Russia, Indonesia and Australia. In Australia alone, the Nokia 520 has the biggest market share with 24.7 percent while the newly launched Lumia 530 holds 4.2 percent share in the country's Windows Phone devices market.

Aside from the report on Windows Phone market shares, AdDuplex also managed to discover three new WP devices with Microsoft as the manufacturer. The handsets are speculated to come with displays that range from 4-inches to 5.7-inches and might have a not so impressive resolution. The rumour suggests that Microsoft might release three devices that are from low-end to high-end by next year. The report gave generic names for the possible devices: the RM-1069, RM-1070 and RM-1071.

On the other hand, the Windows Phone 8.1 holds 51 percent share of all Windows Phone 8 devices. The big numbers clearly show Microsoft's big success and this might be the jump start of more devices under the Windows Phone platform in the future. According to TechTimes, it should be pointed out that AdDuplex's report should not be taken as completely accurate information since the data used were derived from over 5,000 apps that utilize the platform to present advertisements to its users.

Finally, Windows Phone seems to be surviving after the Windows Phone 7 disaster. Microsoft's platform is now able to compete with Android and iOS. However, the platform might need to work on its app store.