Families of Queensland couple Rod and Mary Burrows waited in agony for 17 days before Malaysian Prime Minister confirmed Monday that the MH370 crashed in the Indian Ocean.

Mother of Mr Burrow, Irene, told Rockhampton Morning Bulletin that she wishes the crash was quick in the hopes that the passengers did not suffer for long.

''I can only hope that whatever happened, it was very quick and they didn't know," she said.

Days after the disappearance of MH370, the Burrows family thanked everyone who were searching for the missing plane.

"The enrichment and strength that Rod and Mary have given us, helps us to get through each moment during this very difficult time. It is comforting to know that Rod and Mary are together, wherever they are. Our family will remain together to provide strength and support to each other as we maintain hope, but brace each other for the worst," the Burrows family said in a statement.

At Sinnamon Park, friends and families of the couple gathered to support each other.

Jayden, the couple's son, refused to comment and chose to go inside the house when pressed by the media.

Meanwhile, Bob Lawton's family in Woodridge south of Brisbane was also quiet.

Brother of Mr Lawton, David, said that they might speak in public in the coming days but as of the meantime they want to keep to themselves.

Speaking with Fairfax media days after the plane went missing, David said that the wait for information left him feeling empty.

"If they found the wreckage of the plane then that would be finalised because there's no hope,'' he said during the interview.

Meanwhile in Beijing, the confirmation was not received with silence.

In a statement, families of Chinese passengers expressed their "strongest protest and condemnation" to Malaysia Airlines, the Malaysian government and Malaysian military.

The statement said that the Malaysian prime minister made the dreadful announcement without "any direct proof."

"In the last 18 days, MAS, the Malaysian government and Malaysian military have delayed announcing, and hid the truth in an attempt to fool the family members of passengers as well as the whole world," a spokesperson for the family said.