Decades ago, skin care products targeted a sole market-- women. In the information age, more men have gained awareness on the importance of skin health and even more have cultivated interest in searching for the right skin care approach. Thanks to advances in medical science, more men finally understood they too, need to care for their skin.

Along with developments in science and technology is the emergence of a new market-- men. Between men and women, there surface certain differences in skin properties, which are really what compelled researchers to design products specifically formulated to address men's needs. This includes moisturizers, facial cleansers, sunscreen, night creams for puffy eyes and body wash; yes, more men too have found the convenience of using body wash.

For beginners, it might be confusing to decide which skin care products are ideal for them. But dermatologists collectively agree the skin needs three core care-- cleansing, exfoliating, and moisturizing.


The foundation for skin care is cleansing. Men's skin type ranges between oily and dry. Men's skin pores are larger than women's and their sebaceous glands are more active, resulting in more production of sebum, which in turn, makes skin greasier. Washing the excess oil is essential in unclogging the pores of dirt. However, there are soaps that may work harshly on one's facial skin, leaving it dry.

In a speech delivered at the American Academy of Dermatology's Skin Academy, Sonia Badreshia-Bansal, a dermatologist in Danville California, recommended a mild cleanser that minimizes the sebum removal, if men's skin type is a combination of oily and dry. For dry skin types, a semi-mild cleanser is recommended for use two times a day.

For natural cleansing, lemon is efficient in deep-cleansing.


Exfoliating the skin is recommended once a week to remove dead and flaky skin cells. Exfoliating is in-depth cleansing of your skin. It reaches the dirt missed by a mere facial wash. There are exfoliating creams for men available in the market that use natural ingredients to gently scrub the skin surfaces.

For home remedies, the kitchen is the best source of ingredients including coffee fine powder, sugar, or used tea leaves from teabags. In using these ingredients, ensure to use olive oil as lubricant, and the scrubs (coffee and sugar) should be a third of the mixture.


The skin is constantly subjected to harsh elements such as from the environment. At home, men's chin and jawline face another harsh encounter from shaving blades. While regular shaving is sometimes necessary, caring for its skin is even more crucial. With moisturizers, you are helping the longevity of cells and tissues and the elasticity of your skin.

Badreshia-Bansal advised daily application of moisturizer to stimulate hydration.

"No matter what your skin type, using daily moisturizing is vital to maintaining healthy, glowing skin. That's because with adequate hydration, the skin has the advantage of protecting itself from free radicals and harmful ultraviolet radiation that cause skin damage, discoloration, premature wrinkles, and even skin cancer."