In his book “Ghost Boy: My Escape From A Life Locked Inside My Own Body,” Martin Pistorius shares his unusual story of returning to life after more than a decade. He was 12 years old in the late 1980s when he fell into a coma and remained in a vegetative state for 12 years.

While they were not sure, doctors in South Africa believed Pistorius’ condition was cryptococcal meningitis. His condition exacerbated until he eventually lost all ability to communicate and move.

Doctors told Pistorius’ family he would die, but the family kept a routine. For 12 years, his father would take him to the care center in the morning, and at night, he would bathe and feed him before putting him to bed.

When Pistorius was able to communicate again and is mobile with a wheelchair after 12 years of being in a coma, he shared in his book “Ghost Boy: My Escape From A Life Locked Inside My Own Body” all the things he remembers during his vegetative years.

Among the many things Pistorius remembers was when he heard his mother tell him, “I hope you die.” On the other hand, he told National Public Radio that he understands that his mother said that out of desperation and sadness for his miserable existence.

Watch the trailer of Pistorius’ book “Ghost Boy: My Escape From A Life Locked Inside My Own Body” here:

Credits: YouTube/Thomas Nelson

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