Lynx has featured Australia’s first gay kiss on a TV ad, and has done it so nonchalantly. The brand has received praises online for its progressive commercial.

The male grooming brand started its ad for hair-styling product the usual way, with a narrative aimed at a young man. But while the one-minute ad begins with talk of the typical future of having a family, it then features a more pleasantly surprising addition.

“You won’t always look as you do now. One day your hair will thin. You will have a life, a wife, and possibly kids,” the ad starts before featuring iconic scenes from different film genres, including action and film noir, as well as music videos.

“Go out. See amazing things. Get an amazing job. Kiss the hottest girl… or the hottest boy,” the ad continues as the man kisses a leading lady, then a leading man. The scene then changes to a music video and then to something else, as if the same-sex pashing did not just happen.

Reactions on social media have so far been positive. The commenters praised how Lynx did not make a big fuss out of the male-on-male kiss, like it’s a normal and accepted thing in the society, as it should be.

“I love that they just showed two men kissing like it’s the most normal thing in the world, just the way that it should be,” Jay Wimhurst wrote on YouTube.

“There’s a nice same-sex surprise in this commercial. Very casual. #bisexual,” added.

“Man, cool advert… I like many of Lynx’s scents, but never normally buy them as I’m normally turned off by Lynx’s desperate-and-horny-teenage-hetero-boy vibe in their adverts, but this advert was pretty cool especially vis-à-vis who you could kiss... may have to rethink my self-imposed ban on buying Lynx!” gimmechocs mused.

The ad is a far cry from Lynx’s previous ones, which have been criticised for their alleged sexism and promiscuity. According to complaints, the ads of the brand, which is called Axe in the U.S., were sexist and degrading to women. The brand’s usual commercials include a handful of women falling over for one man.

In 2012, Lynx’s “clean your balls” ad was banned by the Ads Standards Bureau after receiving over 150 complaints. The ad was said to be filled with crude innuendos, which were unnecessary and demeaning to men.