It seems like Lindsay Lohan is taking serious steps to revive her career as she reverted back to her natural ravishing red hair.

She just appeared on Saturday Night Live and although there were mixed reactions for her comeback stint, the star managed to put the show on the highest rating that night. Her episode comes in second with the highest views for the particular SNL season.

The star has been sporting platinum blonde hair for the longest time and received negative criticisms of how it makes her look beyond her actual age. Now, with her red locks, Lilo looked near her old self once again.

With the return of her natural hair color, is the public also sensing a comeback for her career? After years of being in and out of trouble and cases on court, the 25-year-old seems determined to get back on track.

After her stint with SNL, she is expected to star in a biopic Elizabeth Taylor. She had won the role as lead for the film and even stated that she will do the best she can this time around.

Lindsay is close to closing her most recent case in March wherein the judge commented positively about the young star's efforts. As soon as the charges are lifted she will be free again to go on with her life.

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