Who would not love to watch the daily chronicles of a cute and cuddly hedgehog?

The hedgehog named Marutaro has already over 49,000 followers on Twitter and close to 28,000 followers on Vine after its anonymous owner proudly showcases the day-to-day life and many faces of this spiny pet with a smiley mask and short videos.

In its Twitter account @hedgehogdays, Marutaro has a wide array of pictures and videos that fans rave about. In several pictures, this spiny pet can be seen posing for the camera wearing different home-made smiley masks from happy, cheeky and in love to angry, surprised, and evil grin.

The hedgehog also have various photos of his flying adventures and spot me poses. There is a photo of Marutaro amidst the bathroom brushes and stuff toys. It is also spotted amidst Math related items like measuring devices, number blocks, and monthly calendar.

Meanwhile, in its vine account 'Marutaro the Hedgehog' is laden with short videos of its daily adventures. In one video it is seen hanging precariously while being held by its owner. It is also seen going inside the jar while another video shows Marutaro communicating with its daughter which is inside the jar.

There is also another video of Marutaro being scrubbed with its owner on the neck and another one going under a cave-like structure. It also puts its head inside a plastic cup.

The hedgehog's adventure does not just end there. It is also seen going for a summer getaway as it walks on the beach. Still another video shows Marutaro taking a walk near a tree on the park.

With the newfound celebrity status of Marutaro, its anonymous owner created a Tumblr account for his pet with the name 'Hedgehog Calendar.' Its owner placed various wood blocks indicating the date where Marutaro poses next to it.

According to Hedgehog Care, this nocturnal animal grows up to six to nine inches in length with the African pygmy being the most common species taken cared as pets. With proper care, this solitary and quite animal can exceed its four to six years life span and live up to ten years.

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