Dieticians from around the country have revealed what they consider to be three fad diets that you should avoid in the battle of the bulge.

More than 50 Australian nutrition experts weighed in on a survey about the worst diets by the Dieticians Association of Australia. Topping the survey by a whopping 80 percent is the lemon detox fad.

The lemon juice detox diet, also called the master cleanse detox diet, requires dieters to subsist on a concoction of water, tree syrup, freshly squeezed lemon juice and cayenne pepper or ginger. The dieter has to drink up to 10 glasses of this lemon juice mixture which supposedly promotes inner cleansing and flushes wastes from the system.

The blood type diet which states that the blood type reacts differently to different types of lectins in foods, came in second in the survey. The acid and alkaline diet came in third. The acid and alkaline diet is based on the scientifically unsupported view certain foods leave an alkaline residue. The alkaline diet involves eating fresh citrus and low sugar fruits, vegetables, tubers, nuts and legumes and avoiding dairy, meat, sugar, alcohol and caffeine. This diet is supposed to maintain the balance of slight alkalinity of blood.

According to Dieticians Association of Australia spokesman Dr. Trent Watson women shouldn't turn to quick fix diets if they want to lose weight.

"Women often think they are failures when they can't sustain such strict and unrealistic diets. But the truth is, it is the diets that are failing young women," Dr. Watson said.

"Ditch the fad diets, and choose a New Year's resolution around healthy eating and regular exercise. Small, sustainable changes over the long-term are much more effective than yo-yo dieting."

The Association conducted a Newspoll and found that 200 women between 18 and 24 want to lose weight in 2012. However, fad diets aren't the answer to the long struggle to lose weight. Fad diets aren't the miracle cure to obesity. Although fad diets will let dieters lose weight quickly, the weight would come back just as quickly. The only sure-fire way to lose weight is through exercise and healthy eating. They're not as flashy as fad diets but exercise and healthy eating will do the trick.