'Twilight' superstar, Kristen Stewart, admitted she never liked going to school since she was bullied just for her unshaved legs.

Even in Hollywood, Stewart is known to be the boyish type when not playing her film roles. "I hated school so much," she said in an interview. And this is not because she was academically challenged but because she hates being bullied just for her tomboyish looks.

The 22-year-old said in Daily Star that she could not deny then that she felt bad about being bullied. She may have acted a bit indifferent as she wore gym clothes but deep inside then, Stewart said that the entire bullying events in her life bothered her a lot.

She even remembers one girl when she was in sixth grade who was so disgusted with her just because she did not shave her legs.

Other Celebrities Bullied During Their Younger Years

It is hard to live everyday filled with so much fear and anxiety especially for the victims of bullying. With the onset of the television musical 'Glee' that show the everyday lives of bullied kids, many celebrities have also emerged from their shells to admit that they once were ordinary people who experienced bullying too.

Comedian Chris Rock may have been good in throwing insulting jokes for stand up comedy but when he was still in school, he used to be the target of such insults. Rock said that he was often bullied and even beaten up just because he was the only black kid in a New York based school.

Emma Watson dropped out of Brown University because she was teased always at school for her role in the popular 'Harry Potter' film adaptation. Her classmates would always shout 'three points for Gryffindor!' each time she recites in class.

The Oscar award-winning actress Kate Winslet used to be bullied for being fat. She was even called Blubber and was once left locked inside an art cupboard. Even if she started becoming popular around the globe, there were still several girls then who told her that no own will like her.

Other stars included in the list are Miley Cyrus, Winona Ryder, Eva Mendes, Christian Aguilera and even Prince Harry.

Check out the slideshow for more pictures of bullied celebrities during their youth


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