FBI authorities shot dead a Chechen immigrant after he attempted to strike an agent with knife while being questioned. Ibragim Todashev is under FBI inquiry after being linked to the Boston Marathon Bombing. Authorities gunned down 27-year old Todashev in his Orlando home.

Ibrahim had a meeting with two Massachusetts state troopers and an FBI agent when the incident happened. The authorities took the agent to the hospital and shot Ibrahim dead. Injuries of the agent were not life-threatening, authorities said.

FBI did not explain the details of the meeting with Todashev or the interest they have on him. Nonetheless, authorities did say he was a suspect in the Boston Marathon bombing. Todashev was questioned along with Tamerlan Tsarnaev, who was also a member of mixed martial arts club in Boston.

According to public records, Todashev was living just outside Boston in the previous year. He was in Watertown before he moved. Tamerlan Tsarnaev was shot dead a few days following the bombing. He was an aspiring boxer. His brother, on the other hand, was charged with the bombing. The incident killed three people while injuring over 260.

Todashev's former roommate, Muslin Chapkhanov said the Chechen immigrant knew the older Tsarnaev. Chapkhanov said they both lived in Boston and probably trained together. The The Tsarnaev siblings came from Dagestan and Chechnya. These two regions were known as some of Russia's more chaotic regions. Islamic extremists settled in these towns recruiting people for their cause. According to the investigators, Boston bombing was a protest for the wars the United States started in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Earlier in May, Todashev was arrested for a mall fight. He was charged with aggravated battery after fighting two men. One of them was sent to the hospital. Todashev claimed he was on self-defense, the report says.